Monday, 1 June 2015

Pyramids of Mars - Progress Update

It may not appear very much, but going from this... this...



...took quite a while. All figures for the Pyramids mini campaign are now deflashed, mold lines cleaned up and based. Next up, sand and undercoat.



  1. it's all about small victories.

    I go with a principle of marginal gains. It keeps the voices away!

    1. Ha,very true. A little bit achieved today is a little less needed to be achieved tomorrow...

  2. "Pyramids of Mars" is a campaign that I've wished to play for a while now, but I've never got round to collecting the bits needed. Do you plan to build any terrain for this setting (I'm especially interested in examples of ruined Egyptian stuff).

    1. I do plan on building some terrain and have been collecting various bits of ruined Egyptian stuff for a while now. I've been thinking hard about colours and will be doing a test piece soon. I've also put together a new scenario to start the campaign set in the Priory. There's a certain 'item' I'm waiting for that won't be available until September time ;-) So that's my rough timescale for getting things finished. I'll take some photos of what I have so far and put up another wip post.

  3. Bit by bit! Looking forward to seeing it all come together over the next few months!

    1. Progress is being made! May get a couple of photos up over the weekend...
