Sunday, 28 February 2016

Cavalier 2016

Friday Night Firefight Club ran its SAGA variant Zulu game today in Tonbridge. A super day with a big thanks due to all of the folks who came along and joined in.







The British managed to fend off wave after wave of Zulu's, but despite Mr. Nicholson shouting

"Stop throwing those bloody spears at me!"

The Zulus did indeed lob spears in his direction resulting in a Welsh pincushion and the infirmary going up in smoke... All was not lost though as Mighty Kyle, forced as he was to retreat from the burning barracks, kept rolling those 6's (much to the continued amazement and cries of 'loaded dice' from certain Zulus) and finally won the day.

Splendid stuff and I even came home with a few quid left in my wallet...



  1. Was a great looking game. I did try and have a chat, but you were far too busy rinning the game.

    1. Thanks Ray - time seems to fly by when we're doing these games and I do tend to get caught up with things. But that's no excuse, poke me in the ribs next time ;-)

    2. No excuse for *me* to not say hello I mean of course!

    3. I'll bring a stick next time!

    4. I'll bring a stick next time!

  2. Was a great looking game. I did try and have a chat, but you were far too busy rinning the game.

  3. Makes me want to get out the old movie "Zulu" and have another watch (I just love Michael Caine in this one). Looks like the group had a good time.


    1. Kyle and I watched the film (again!) a couple of weeks back. It's very enjoyable putting on games like this at local shows, although my feet were aching by the time we got home...

  4. As was said above, it looks like a fun game. I really must watch Zulu again, perhaps with my 13 year old...

    1. We really did enjoy putting the game on and may well be taking it to another event later in the year.
