Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Five Days to SELWG!

Not long to go now. I've been burning the midnight oil painting the last few items for our SAGA participation game of Back to the Longship.

Almost all of the terrain and scenery is complete (including the river of course). Yesterday I finished the last of the Viking warband so we now have seven full points (including a priest). Today I finished painting the Revenant necromancer. He'll be varnished tomorrow morning before work and static grass/tufts applied in the evening.

On Saturday, I'll be setting everything up and running through a practice game with Kyle. He's played against the Revenants but not yet played them as his own warband. Setting the whole thing up will give me a chance to organise all of the items and (very importantly), pack it all away properly ready for the Sunday morning drive to Crystal Palace.

I'll try to grab a few photos of the setup on Saturday and hopefully will also take a few on Sunday. If you're going to SELWG stop by our table and say hello. You can't miss us. We'll be the one with the burning Monastary ;-)

Oh, there's one last item to finish...



Not sure what I'm going to do with all that rigging!



  1. Gutted I am not going to SELWG this year but wish you every success with your game.

    1. Thanks! We're really looking forward to it.

  2. Looking forward to seeing the game!

    1. Me too, I haven't set it all up yet so don't know how it will look when put together. Judging by the crates in the spare room, I've probably got way too much!

  3. Nice longship! Lookng forward to seeing some pics of the game!

    1. Thanks Gordon, thought you'd appreciate the ship! It's the Revell model kit. Somebody else is supposed to be bringing a ship (different model) for Sunday, but since I had a bit of time on my hands...

  4. Hope it all goes well for you (and Kyle!) at SELWG. I'm looking forward to hearing about it!

  5. Late to the party, but that looks nice. I know I've seen that kit before, does revell still make it or did you snatch that off of ebay?


    1. It's still available to buy. I got mine last year when Amazon were selling them cheap. It's a nice model and not too difficult to build/paint. The rigging is a bit fidly and the supplied plastic sail is naff tbh. In our game, the ship is on the shoreline so I've modelled it with the sail gathered up and the oars tied up on deck. Since the pesky Vikings are attacking the Monastary I've also left off the shields. I'd like to make another one in full sail as well now though!
